I encountered some Mass Natural Hair ignorance today. It made me annoyed, upset, and sad simultaneously during Each occurrence; all from the same individual.
*exhales loudly*
ex. 1. Since I [clearly] have natural hair and are one of the Few individuals with it at my place on employment...people tend to ask me hair related questions. While completing one of the many tasks at work with a coworker I'm asked about KimmayTube's infamous leave-in. I start to explain what's in it, go on to explain What its supposed to do but I was interrupted with the individual expressed the sentiment that it MADE HER HAIR GROW. Now. You will Never here her say that. She actually preaches quite the opposite in the majority of her YT videos. Protective styling and ph balanced hair care are her never ending/ever evolving sermons. How does that make sense. Please explain that to me. And mind you, she has relatively 'long' hair. *SIGH* We are STILL on this as a people? Like...we're still believing in magical wonder products to grow your hair down your back. *hangs head* I'm so serious. Please just think logically. I'm not even going to go into that. Do research Before making 'handed down through the generations' blanked statements is all I'm saying. Moving on.
ex 2. A teenager working for the transportation dept at my job came to get one of my patients. One of my coworkers then proceeded to let him know that his hair was 'too nappy' to wear in the particular style (jokingly of course). -___- Seriously? Still doing that eh. Mmmk. Mind you, if he had on Anything but scrubs I'm sure he would've looked quite stylish. And I Know that's not just me. Since when do people Have to say Everything that's on their mind? I'm seeing that more and more. So that whole, 'if you have nothing good to say...shut up' (or something like that) holds no value anymore. Oh, you think you're HELPING. OH.
ex 3. In one of the days I had twists in my hair a coworker *sigh* asks me how long I've been natural and then [of course] asks why my hair is so short. *eye roll*. When I attempt to stretch it to SHOW that its pretty much APL in the I start hearing 'Nah, don't stretch it out to seem like you have more. Come on...etc' [Woosah]. THIS RIGHT HERE HEAVENLY FATHER. See this is the type of stuff you Dread when you First become natural when you start noticing the extreme degree of shrinkage that occurs in most African American hair. You're occupied with length because you want the world to see that you Are making progress in your journey. I'm not a new natural. I've been natural a Few times, but I became an Educated natural *praises* about two years ago. So I Know where I effed up with my hair. Here's the thing though, I don't Owe anyone full explanations for anything. But the fact that this person is also Black, has never worn her hair natural, but is still tryna tell Me what's up with My hair floors me. I correct my own Family when it comes to references to my hair. But you don't know me. ;) Like....ma'am...you already forgot that your hair doesn't grow out your scalp that way? I'm Serious. Its like folks have amnesia about that painful burning session to tame the new growth every 6 weeks. *eye roll*
Educate yourselves before you speak. OR...even if you're possibly right or have a semi valid point....most people don't care to hear you ALL THEE TIME on trivial things. ;)