Thursday, January 9, 2014

I just got the images from my wedding.

The packaging was SOOOO cute! AND there was a mini 'getting ready' album in it!! There was like burlap wrap and twine and the fanciest thumb drive in LIFE. And I haven't even opened those files yet. 

My little pictures don't do it justice. 

Check out Sophia Barrett Studios' blog to see all of their work. I did all my consolations, subsequent communication and bridal shoot with Sophia. The entire team is wonderful.

Also...I cut off all my hair. It was time. And if it wasn't, IT IS NOW!! Don't say I didn't warn you....

(This is the best my eyebrows have ever looked in pictures!)



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Recap!! know...I didn't write a post all year.

In the words of my husband, "WHAT UP JITS!!"

Hopefully that's not offensive in real life. Who knows. I'm not from Florida.


Let's see...from January until now.


*I worked. I worked enough to get 2 year of critical care experience at my level 1 trauma hospital and DIPSET OUT THAT JOINT in May. They almost got me. ^_^

*I applied for the job in Alabama to be closer to my boo and got it pretty quickly. I moved here in July and got an apartment. I miss my coworkers. I Never thought I'd work at a place where I wanted to keep in contact with my coworkers. Hanging out with them outside of work too??!! Unimaginable! But those are cool peeps. Even invited almost a dozen to my wedding. I miss the nurse culture there too. That place revolved around the nurses. And the nurses weren't taking no mess! At least from the doctors. I liked the teaching atmosphere. Here in good Ole Bama I feel like I've gone back half a century. Do I Look like your personal secretary??? Why are there paper orders of all things??!! I'm chillin though. I make the second black nurse close to my age on that unit so I wouldn't want to mess it up for her. (You'll catch that later.)

*Got married.

*Almost went crazy with wedding planning. Wedding planning is not for the faint of heart.

Hey look! Its us!

*I finally started making moves to do some travel assignments.

Let us fast forward to now.

I want to cut my locs. Let's see if I can find some comparison pics...

January 2013

Today after a fresh wash. Its pretty much the 'same' length my loose natural hair was  before I started loc'ing.  Longer actually.
Look at that new growth, baby!!
I've always loved my new growth; even when I was relaxed. Here's the thing. I like having locs. They are very low maintenance.  They are at a length where I can wash them and still feel relatively cute enough without a retwist. Which brings me to this point. I hate how it feels to have my hair retwisted.   I don't like the scalpy look. I want big hair. I wanted to have loose BIG hair. I don't want my big chop to be tied to something corny. No new years resolution BC, no 'I'm pregnant' BC,  or 'its my __th birthday' BC stuff.

I think loc'ing my hair was the first step to try and separate feeling accomplished (and cute) from my hair's style or length. It took dedication to not take this things out!! I still have hair goals that I have every intention of reaching...but this time with my sanity in tact. ^_^

*sings* Somebody cuuuut [and style and possibly dye] my haaaaaaiiiir....

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Something is not right...

Gooooood evening....

I've been very jumpy lately. There was a recent death of a deacon in my church last week that pretty much shocked everyone which only added to my jumpiness. On top of that, I've been very forgetful. Like...I'm not that great on a regular basis but if y'all could have seen me leave my last bass lesson (which I need to start taking more seriously because I STILL SUCK AT IT) you would have been scratching your head. Smh. I think it took like 5 go rounds for me to actual gather all my equipment in its entirety to LEAVE?? Horrible. Two days ago I went to get my emissions done but I needed to pay for my tags. I went to the DMV (or whatever its called now in Georgia) trying to do that. Not the tag office. -__- The lady at the desk [who was super pretty and had a bomb twa] was giving me the CRAZIEST looks during the convo...which I remember mixing up tags and license and what my intentions were and being in a complete fog. After that I left the DMV in a blur I ended up at Ulta, bout a few things and ended up sitting in the parking lot for like 15 mins in silence. Like...what. Add to that my car being Crazy with mystery squeaking and grinding it only ADDS to me being jumpy. I already don't like driving other people's cars. So if I feel like I'm gonna die in My car that only makes everything worse. I feel like i did after a car backed into low key PTSD. But Why? I might blank out at work trying Not to imagine a close friend or family member in the same situation as my patients. I dont think a break at this point would do much since I have nothing to do on my days off...if I'm always off work. The wedding planning is still at the beginning stages but I need a venue and a caterer I can afford!!!! I don't want to have a boring wedding with only family and family friends. I need My friends there. I don't want to be twiddling my thumbs looking around at me and my fiancé 's fam uninterested. Receptions cost way too much for that. Too Much. Nevertheless, I'm still trying to trim down the list unsuccessfully. I want to leave home and travel but I like my coworkers and it might not be the best thing right before the wedding. BUT getting a new job would at least up my pay so I can help pay for a few more things no? Or at LEAST be able to pay for some post wedding things. We still gotta live after that Somewhere. Where that place is, idk yet. People keep asking...I don't know. I'm gonna miss the kids in my children's choir. A. Lot. We have so much fun in there. Kids are SO MUCH BETTER than adults. Smh. At least I can get frustrated with them not knowing their parts and know that the average age is 9. Adults? Horrible. Smh. I'm going to miss my new (but kinda old) Oakwood friends that migrated to my church after Knight came.I'm going to miss my play brothers and sisters. I'm going to miss friends that I don't even remember meeting since I've known them So Long. I guess I'll still be a drive away. Its not the same though. When I left HSV and came back to visit my friends it just wasn't the same. But they may have been a little skewed since some of my 'friends' were just plain...*ahem* Selfish Fakers. I left with little to no fanfare and it was a little disheartening. Thank God for a well intentioned, transparent friend [that I'm now betrothed to.]

Ugh. I'm done for now. I am not rereading this to proofread right now. Sorry. I know there are coma splices and foolishness everywhere. Don't care.

I'm gonna finish cleaning up my room. Maybe that will help me clear my mind. And maybe I'll practice my bass. *blank stare*

A Dios.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I feel like I'm in limbo. I think that is mostly because I haven't been at work since last Wednesday lol. On my days off I've just been going back and forth browsing the internet for wedding ideas and watching HGTV. I was just editing some of my old posts and some of those things still ring very true for me. I still don't know the ending point in regards to effort. When enough is enough. When I Should do more. Some things have even turned for worse situation, for example, my exercising. I couldn't tell you the last time I actually exercised. Going up Stone Mountain was probably it! lol! Before that? Who. Knows. I did like the idea of going down the street to the classes buuuut the classes I wanted to take weren't offered on the days I was off work on a consistent enough basis for me to be committed. Unfortunately. And I paid for TWO unlimited month memberships. SMH. Shame.

The other portion of me feeling like I'm in 'limbo' is cause...MY MAN IS IN ANOTHER STATE. I realize this isn't something New. But planning a wedding and talking about post marriage things just makes it worse. I don't like texting for real. I don't like holding my phone. I don't always want to verbally respond to you. I get tired of talking Easily. Our schedules suck Anyway so either I'm up till the wee hours tryna get some talk time in, or he's trying to reach me in the middle of the day when I'm at work cleaning a patient or something...just doesn't work out all that great. We are 'making it work' though, in His words. October is the month of our wedding we decided on. It seems so far away on one hand, but especially doing this planning it seems like there isn't enough time! We're trying to figure out how to work out this pre-marital counseling while we're in different states, agree on colors, clothes, etc etc. Its just...O_O. Its funny because I've gotten varying reactions from out choice of date. Some people were all, 'Wow! Next Year?? That's less than a year! Good luck!'. Others were like, 'Why so long? You waiting on something to happen with him? Is he trying to figure out stuff? Y'all not ready?' Ummm....I just wanted a Fall wedding is all. We have a lot more intended guests than a typical American wedding. Because...our families aren't American. lol. Also, the Boo is a celebrity. LOL. No, but my list is longer than his. Just Family is 100 people for Me. You see where we're going with this? We need to hit up these vendors ASAP. I'll officially visit some places next month. Churches and venues are Booked for that month Already! Folks be trippin.

*looks at time* Umm...its late. I haven't gone to bed at a decent hour for at least a week. I'm gonna regret it when I go back to work. Welp! I have a meeting to go to tomorrow. I'll attempt to sleep before I get a phone call back from the boo.

OOHHH!!! I actually started reading from my certification book today! I've had it for months. *hangs head in shame* Pray church. I need some motivation! I want to take and pass this thing Before I get married. I know it can be done. I've seen it. I don't have a ton of experience but, again, I've seen it done. The info isn't going to stick via osmosis though. And knowledge solely from experience...ion got time for dat. I'm still in my twenties. I can't wait to I got grown kids in college [hating on the new nurses] to start these things. No.

Ok I love you, buh bye!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Soon-to-Be Mrs____. YUP.

*Please note message at the end of this post*

GOOD AFTERNOOOOOON subscribers and those who clicked on the link from my Facebook page!!!

As always, I must acknowledge the long lapse of time between my last post and this particular one. My bad. Life (or me totally vegging out) is happening. For my #naturalhair followers, let me at least give you an update of my hair!! I'll [maybe] make another post of my hair progress from last time up to no... later. It would be nice huh... ( ._.)

This is Thee Latest style and color! Got this done 11/8/12 at *you guessed it* The Good Hair Shop! Go ahead and see Kiyomi. She's awesome. ;)

Now to the 'good' stuff. 
Engagement story time!!!

November 8, 2012
I got my nails done at home by Erin Whitlock Brown who owns nail concierge service called LacquerLove . If you're in the ATL area and would like to treat yourself or your friends, I would Definitely recommend this!! (I'll elaborate in a separate post. Probably.)

The boo came in town that evening but I didn't see him; he was having family-fun time with his family, which is awesome. During our nightly call he says he wants us to leave My house (after coming over from his mother's house) BEFORE 1000. -___- Like 0945. QUE? For y'all that don't know, on my days off I don't even leave my Room until after 11. Smh. But the sir had spoken. So I went ahead and set my alarm. :(

November 9, 2012
Its my birthday!! My alarm went off at 0830. I read my Bible plan after hitting snooze a few times and forced myself out of the bed into the shower. While In the shower my grandmother knocks on the bathroom door to say that the boo was there. Already. -_____- Needless to say, we didn't leave until basically 1000 on the dot.

Breakfast was at Cafe Intermezzo. Sweet potato pancakes, breakfast paninis, salmon and cream cheese omelets, fancy chai teas...just yumminess. Fanciness all around. But it was nice to just be together. And the food was great! (as usual). And expensive. Smh. 

Next up was Stone Mountain. NOW. The boo wanted to go up the 'walking trail' of Stone Mountain.. I guess to get the nice views. MERCY. Since there was no warning (for me), Both of us had on regular street clothes. He did bring some tennis shoes I left in HSV. THAT totally came in handy. My cute little lace up boots would have led me to my death. Smh. Ok again. HE HAD NEVER BEEN UP STONE MOUNTAIN. It is not a little nature trail. Its a for real hike!! SMH. *EYE* was having flashbacks from Pathfinders when Gurlish Curls and I Struggled [and I mean Struggled] to get up that mountain over ten years ago. That was the last time I've been up it! Needless to say I was not feeling it. The views were amazing once we got to the top. It was a clear sunny day so you could see the city of Atlanta from it! We took the trolley back down the mountain, walked prolly like another mile or so back to the car (Cause we didn't end up where the trail started. *sigh*).

After Stone Mountain we went to Movie Tavern to see SkyFall. It was cool. I still like the first one (of the current James Bond) better. Aww well, what evs. The movies is where things started messing up, although I didn't know it yet. lol. The movie was longer than expected and the sun was Basically setting by the time it was done. But the sir had already made a reservation with more awesome views (the theme for the day) to end the night. So. It was dark when we left my parents house (*red flag*How did I even leave in one piece??). O_O I was uncomfortable for a plethora of reasons, but he promised he would take the blame for everything (red flag). I didn't really know in advance what was going since everything was a surprise buuuuut, comfortable and happy I was not. During dinner I made it clear that I never wanted to be in that situation again. HA! Never did I know the Weight of the words I had spoken. lol. Post dinner we went to the top of the restaurant to get a view of the city to end the night. He was talking...sounded like nice boyfriend 'I'm so glad you're in my life, Happy birthday' stuff. But I was cold and ready to sit in the car with my man! :/ Yeah he wasn't having that. lol. He kindly offered up his coat and kept talking. Next thing I know he's on one knee holding out a ring and I'm like in shock mode stating the obvious 'Like, you're on the floor, on one knee, with a for real ring? What?? Are you serious?' Etc. lol.

I wanted a Ruby in honor of my Granny. (Her name is Ruby.)
Of Course I said YES. He is an absolute Godsend with no question.

Now. Don't get mad at me if when you ask me: "OMG TIFFANY WHAT HAPPENED? HOW DID HE POP THE QUESTION? TELL ME EVERYTHING" and I direct you to this link. I'm not telling this story again. First of all...because I have no obligation to. It was a private event between him and I. My parents (and granny and brother) already knew what was going on before I did so...Its ok! And that's what matters.

 Feel free to actually Offer something to the table though! Now That I can do something with.