Saturday, November 26, 2011

That Awkward Moment When....(SDA edition)

So. Picture me sitting at my little computer at work trying to catch up on charting. A guy comes up to me inquiring about my pt because he wants to know the height and weight (which is in the chart/on the bed by the way but we won't go there) to make a brace. Cool. I look it up and give him the info. Homeboy out of the blue asks me if I'm Adventist. He was already lingering a little closely mind you. lol. Umm...yes? He responds in praises and worship in jubilee because I wasn't 'dolled up and blinged out' (or something to that extent).


Alright, to Some extent that's....nice  I guess. Being 'different' and somewhat 'set apart'. Or Whatever. But seeing that I was recognized as an Adventist by a fellow Adventist kinda defeats the purpose, no? And I'm sorry but I don't believe that outward appearance was the sentiment behind 1 Peter 2:9 . BROWSE through that chapter and see what you think. Come to think about it, I learned that verse in elementary school and it was used to defend Why why shouldn't wear makeup, jewelry, etc...but that verse isn't an entire SENTENCE. -__- We gotta do better. What testimony is it Really to see someone without makeup and jewelry? Kinda feels like something that makes you proud to be a part of some type of elitist group with no real goals. Cause if That is a high point for us? I don't know...

Point is. We have to do better. Salvation is the game here, not eye shadow and earrings debates.

I hope you enjoyed your Sabbath!


OH! The...24th was my 3 month mark for my locs! Woop!