Saturday, April 7, 2012

Praise vs Worship. Envy vs Complacency.

This post has been in draft status since JANUARY. *sigh* Think about the title though for a bit. What is praise to you? Does it equal worship? Are the terms interchangeable? Do you think of them only in reference to God?
Now, envy vs complacency. This is my personal struggle. At what point is the 'safe place' of being? Like, at what point do get to Envy if you see somebody do something or being good at something that You want to be good at? And at what point do you throw in the towel and say 'forget it, I'm just not good at this'? Should you ever? How long do you keep going? Is it ever ok to just...BE OK with whatever point you're at in life? And how do you not get to being Complacent or Lazy or Indifferent?

Just a few thoughts.

Happy Sabbath! ;)


  1. I have this very problem. And I am horrible with it. I will keep you in prayer!!

  2. Lots of good thoughts there. Did you ever work it out? Just had a bible study on the topic of praise and worship. God inhabits the praises of His people. Praise will usher God in so you can truly worship Him for who He is.

    On your other topic, it took me a long time to learn not to envy what someone else can do or what they have. We each have our own individual talents and gifts and when God is ready, our season will come. So don't give up, press your way!!

    1. How did I miss this comment!! THank you so much! THis is encouraging even however many odd months later!
