Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bantu knot out results

Days one and two.

*sigh* it looked better at the beginning of day one but I didn't get to take a pic until midday. Day two was the pinned up look.

The hair my loctitian added for color purposes is. Annoying. Me. It grips weird and doesn't curl as well as the ready of my hair. If I could only figure out how to take them out without cutting my own hair I totally would. Yes I paid for it. But, the rest of my hair is all soft and stuff and those few locs are...bleh.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Loc Bantu Knots.

H..Heeeeyyyy....Sorry its been so long! My bad. I've thought about you! That counts right? RIGHT??!! ...

Also...Merry Christmas!!!!!! My family drove to Maryland Friday morning so I was at home today. It was Great. I Almost went out but...meh. I cooked some mac and cheese (DELISH!!) and lentils, adding some things that were already in the house from a previous meal and voila! I won. lol.

Tomorrow will be my 4th month anniversary. Crazy right?! Who knew I could commit to something hair related for so long! Yay me!! I do have to say that over the last week or so I've been dreaming in long loose natural hair. That has been throwing me OFF. I shall stay strong in my journey! I will remember WHY I started this journey! I will STAY STRONG IN THIS JOURNEY AND NOT DO ANYTHING STUPID!!

Ok. Updates.

On my to an interview last week.

On my way out last night. The front was set on flexi-rods :)

Bantu knots!

There are about 2 locs in each knot. (Some have three)

Hopefully this comes out ok tomorrow for work! Wish me luck!

 I didn't wash my hair today. I just sprayed it with my 'So Fresh So Clean' spray from The Good Hair Shop in Lithonia, Ga and some filtered water in spray bottle that I added a few drops of peppermint essential oil too. I shall take a pic when I take them down in the morning!


The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole - YouTube

Check out Theron Thomas from 'The Sing Off' winner's group Committed!!


Monday, November 28, 2011

Loc Update (month 3)

These are pics from my freshly done hair on 11/22/11. I don't know if I Actually took these pics on the  22nd...but regardless...my loc-versary or whatev is on the 24th. I think. *SHRUG*

OH. And I already took down the style. 'Twas cute but I was ready to run my fingers through my hair; and most importantly, scratch my scalp. LOL.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

That Awkward Moment When....(SDA edition)

So. Picture me sitting at my little computer at work trying to catch up on charting. A guy comes up to me inquiring about my pt because he wants to know the height and weight (which is in the chart/on the bed by the way but we won't go there) to make a brace. Cool. I look it up and give him the info. Homeboy out of the blue asks me if I'm Adventist. He was already lingering a little closely mind you. lol. Umm...yes? He responds in praises and worship in jubilee because I wasn't 'dolled up and blinged out' (or something to that extent).


Alright, to Some extent that's....nice  I guess. Being 'different' and somewhat 'set apart'. Or Whatever. But seeing that I was recognized as an Adventist by a fellow Adventist kinda defeats the purpose, no? And I'm sorry but I don't believe that outward appearance was the sentiment behind 1 Peter 2:9 . BROWSE through that chapter and see what you think. Come to think about it, I learned that verse in elementary school and it was used to defend Why why shouldn't wear makeup, jewelry, etc...but that verse isn't an entire SENTENCE. -__- We gotta do better. What testimony is it Really to see someone without makeup and jewelry? Kinda feels like something that makes you proud to be a part of some type of elitist group with no real goals. Cause if That is a high point for us? I don't know...

Point is. We have to do better. Salvation is the game here, not eye shadow and earrings debates.

I hope you enjoyed your Sabbath!


OH! The...24th was my 3 month mark for my locs! Woop!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Hey guys!! Its the second day of the best month of the year!!! 


So a few things have happened/are happening:

1) I just passed my 2 month loc journey mark on the 26th? (Yeah we'll go with that lol) I was all excited to post pictures but...I just got a new phone yesterday and I JUST discovered that either I no longer have the SD card or they miraculously disappeared. Lo Siento. So you'll only get recent pics. But....YAY TWO MONTHS!! ( ._.)

Offical 2 Month Mark pics!!

Uh huh....

Think there's any noticeable growth?

Sabbath Morning hair. Roller set in the front, twist out in the back.

2) My Birthday is next week!!! I'll be going back to the city I went to college (Huntsville, AL) to celebrate. Most of my friends are still there. :/ [Those friends include my boyfriend. Oo la la!!] :D I'm honestly just really excited to see him. [shrug] BUT, I'm always up for a good celebration that involves food eatage. In preparation for this great occasion I've been shopping. Unsuccessfully. It takes so much for me to like something. If I Do like something right off the bat its SUPER expensive and not worth the immediate gratification. WAIT. That concept applies to all things in my life. HAVE. MERCY. 

Yeah I really just had a moment. :). So I got a few things: a shirt, skirt, dress, glasses..think that's about it. Nothing that I vaguely imagined or could afford. A lot of things also didn't fit. -_______- I'm always down for the tailoring but I'm not doing that to Every dress I buy. Sorry.

3) Tomorrow, I am going to class instead of working on the unit so I'm going to try and look cute. *SIGH* Scrubs are so EASY THOUGH!! Ah Well see how that goes. Maybe put on some make-up. Meh. 

SPEAKING OF MAKE-UP...My face has been breaking out and its annoying THEE CRAP out of me. I REFUSE to wear make up everyday. The ONE DAY I did that I forgot I had it on I rubbed my face on my White scrubs. SMH. So No. I do think its clearly up...even though there's an annoying stubborn one just chillin. My main problem really isn't breakouts but the results thereof. Scarring. Freaking ridiculous. Doesn't do anything for your self-esteem I tell ya. AND I haven't been working out? Yeah...I'm pretty much losing at this point. I've decided to give up juice and stick to teas and water for a while. I can only drink but so much at a time (don't ask lol) so it might as well be something that's not sugar and artificial flavors laden, right? Right.

K, Bye!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bazaar Noir

Hey guys!!!!!! Last weekend...*scratches head* ugh..the weekend before last? Yeah. I went to an event in the art district (in Atlanta) sponsored by my hair salon The Good Hair Shop! Kiyomi (the owner) casually brought it up the Last time I got my hair done. THREE WEEKS AGO. At the time I decided I Should check it out. But, I knew I was scheduled to work that day and probably wouldn't go. But with last minute schedule changes I was able to go!! Yay! However....I'm horrible guys. Even with all of the stars aligning I still wouldn't have gone in a normal case.

What. Is. Wrong. With. Me. Smh.

Anyway. This events theme [at Bazaar Noir] was a vegan and vegetarian ' taste of atlanta' . So my good friend Eric who's vegan/vegetarian accompanied me! Whoop! (He will Not appreciate the shout out and pics lol) Which was great because even after getting to the vicinity the parking situation was hell. I break down in situations like that. Lol. Seriously. If my brother was in town at the time *ahem* I would've Made him drive. I avoid driving in downtown Atlanta at all costs. When I do muster up the courage to do otherwise it always ends in my getting lost and extremely frustrated. Smh.

Awesome food.

Me and Kiyomi! She's Awesome and her service is Great!
(Recognize that flower?)
Eric. He NEVER lets me take pics of him. WIN!!
Yummy, delicious vegan food! Gumbo I think!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Loc update

Yes I started locs. :) *raises the roof*

Day ONE. 8-26-11

Day...idk 9-3-11 (On the way to church)

10-8-11 Oh how time flies! Sort of.
10-12-11 Freshly done. Waiting for my car  at the mechanic. Growing up is over rated.

I thought we were past this. I was mistaken, CLEARLY.

I encountered some Mass Natural Hair ignorance today. It made me annoyed, upset, and sad simultaneously during Each occurrence;  all  from the same individual.

*exhales loudly*

ex. 1.  Since I [clearly] have natural hair and are one of the Few individuals with it at my place on employment...people tend to ask me hair related questions. While completing one of the many tasks at work with a coworker I'm asked about KimmayTube's infamous leave-in. I start to explain what's in it, go on to explain What its supposed to do but I was interrupted with the individual expressed the sentiment that it MADE HER HAIR GROW. Now. You will Never here her say that. She actually preaches quite the opposite in the majority of her YT videos. Protective styling and ph balanced hair care are her never ending/ever evolving sermons. How does that make sense. Please explain that to me. And mind you, she has relatively 'long' hair. *SIGH* We are STILL on this as a people? Like...we're still believing in magical wonder products to grow your hair down your back. *hangs head* I'm so serious. Please just think logically. I'm not even going to go into that. Do research Before making 'handed down through the generations' blanked statements is all I'm saying. Moving on.

ex 2. A teenager working for the transportation dept at my job came to get one of my patients. One of my coworkers then proceeded to let him know that his hair was 'too nappy' to wear in the particular style (jokingly of course). -___- Seriously? Still doing that eh. Mmmk. Mind you, if he had on Anything but scrubs I'm sure he would've looked quite stylish. And I Know that's not just me. Since when do people Have to say Everything that's on their mind? I'm seeing that more and more. So that whole, 'if you have nothing good to say...shut up' (or something like that) holds no value anymore. Oh, you think you're HELPING. OH.

ex 3. In one of the days I had twists in my hair a coworker *sigh* asks me how long I've been natural and then [of course] asks why my hair is so short. *eye roll*. When I attempt to stretch it to SHOW that its pretty much APL in the I start hearing 'Nah, don't stretch it out to seem like you have more. Come on...etc' [Woosah]. THIS RIGHT HERE HEAVENLY FATHER. See this is the type of stuff you Dread when you First become natural when you start noticing the extreme degree of shrinkage that occurs in most African American hair. You're occupied with length because you want the world to see that you Are making progress in your journey. I'm not a new natural. I've been natural a Few times, but I became an Educated natural *praises* about two years ago. So I Know where I effed up with my hair.  Here's the thing though, I don't Owe anyone full explanations for anything. But the fact that this person is also Black, has never worn her hair natural, but is still tryna tell Me what's up with My hair floors me. I correct my own Family when it comes to references to my hair. But you don't know me. ;) Like....ma'am...you already forgot that your hair doesn't grow out your scalp that way? I'm Serious. Its like folks have amnesia about that painful burning session to tame the new growth every 6 weeks. *eye roll*

Educate yourselves before you speak. OR...even if you're possibly right or have a semi valid point....most people don't care to hear you ALL THEE TIME on trivial things. ;)


Monday, September 12, 2011


I did say I was [probably] not going to make any more youtube videos. HOWEVER....I was not about to write about all these freakin samples and products. No Way. PLUS, you get to see them and get full names and Everything! My laziness actually works out in your favor. ;)

Yes. I am locing my hair. No I didn't cut my hair. NO, THEY ARE NOT SISTER LOCS. -___- SMH. It will only be three weeks this coming Thursday. Ummm.....Check out The 911 Reporters ( music on vid) music on itunes, FB fan page, YT...Yah.

Buh bye!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

And The Saga Continues: How I'm feeling at the moment.

This post has been a draft since the 17th of August. SMH. I downloaded pictures of possible cuts and styles I was feeling and leaning towards...where those are.....#shrug.

*sigh* Ok lemme look for real.

Isn't this so freakin cute?? It doesn't hurt that she's pretty. lol
I can't find the other picture. *moving on*

As you will soon see, I took an Entirely different route when it came to my hair. Hopefully it all works out! I think I Need this in my life though. I'm trying to Actively take away certain stressors and sources of constant annoyance. Sadly, One of those things is my hair. As you are well aware. lol. I Love my hair but at this moment in life I'm Tired of repeating the cycle of unpredictability sprinkled with a FEW Fab days. I'm going to do what I want to my hair and Obviously it doesn't always appreciate it. SO...in order to DO LESS. I will be (literally) leaving my hair alone for a while. Its for my health. Also, I've been taking my musician hiatus for FAR TOO LONG. Sans Singing, which I love, I'm not doing anything. I have a bass that's collecting dust. A Piano, though no longer tuned, COLLECTING DUST. I have to enroll in classes ASAP (for bass). I Tried the other day but...they were closed. :( *sigh*  All my musician friends (and BF) in the World are not going to pass on their musical greatness to me through some type of osmosis/diffusion.  -__-

Its Past time for me to liberate my life in all aspects. OH! I started exercising too. Yoga, Pilates, Zumba..Woot! How am I going to be happy with someone when I'm not even satisfied with the efforts in my Own self? No one is waiting for you to play catch up. We're all grown here and time is passing by a Lot faster than I remember. Except for when I'm missing my boo....Did I mention long distance relationships Suck?? No? Well they do. :) But honestly, even that has made me set goals to better that particular aspect of my life. I am Not about bringing someone else down Especially when they are out grinding as hard as possible to survive and fulfill dreams. I will not be that person.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My hair today

I did these twists on Sunday. To fight the urge of taking them out  (today is Wednesday); I cowashed them. Dont ask about that random long twist in the front. I have no idea what's going on there. Lol

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Torn in between the two...

Good Morning!

Ok quick update on life: I still have a job, AMEN! Work is getting progressively better. Which I'm Soooo grateful for.

Yesterday at work I met a new extern that is working on my floor. Her hair was FLAWLESS. To the point where I had to question if it was a wig or not. (Not that it matters but...all the curls/coils were so uniform and Awesome!)

*****insert month long pause*****
So I ended up talking to the girl the next day and she basically just wears WNGs and styles it daily. SO wash once a week and maybe pin up a side one day, half up the other..you get the drift. SHE ONLY HAS ONE YEAR OF GROWTH post BC and her hair is like the same length as mine.

I hear/see/read this story often. Niggas chopp off all their hair and a year later their hair is longer than mine. NOW. I do realize that I Just started healthy hair practices about 2 years ago. But I still should [according to my observations] should have like..BSL hair by now. I do also realize that I've done a lot to stunt growth retention also...like extensions, permanent hair coloring sessions (Especially the last bleaching episode. *cries*)

So I'm torn between maybe Trying doing WNGs on a regular basis and just leaving my hair Alone for a while and see how the growth retention is....Or protective styling. Or maybe even wigs. But in my spirit I don't feel bold enough for it. But I HAVE to be!! I've done quick weaves, sew-in and the like!! What's the difference? Get it together Tiffany. Smh. I gotta find a wig that I Like though. I did try one on but it was already Too short pre fluffing. No deal.

IDK. But I did wear my hair in a WNG all last work week (3 days). I stuck these in in the bathroom. lol. This is second day hair.

I got so many compliments the first day. (I've NEVER worn my hair like this at work.) One co-worker was calling me 'Essence Model' all day. LOL. I'm just not used to it. My hair is usually stretched. And I JUST had waist length twists in. My WHOLE face is out! LOL!! No distractions! I didn't even wear a flower just so I could force myself to get used to it.

It was soft all week and everything though!

What to do...what to do...

Wig, WNG, PSing.

Post church hair.

Yay upgraded blogger app!!! Anyway..peep these pics.

I have on my new MAC 'All My Purple Life' Lipglass from @afrobella (the blogger) on!! I LOVE IT!! I only applied it once this morning and by the time I took these pics it was after two..so the color is faded. But its cute y'all. I Will be rocking the purple. Summer-time or not!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

If you can't have the one you love...

Ok. This is SO not hair related...but take it anyway. As I was driving home listening to Musiq's SoulStar  album on my way home from work. THIS song came on...

Woo Chile. It reminded me of [some of] my foolish past and how I tried to subliminally (yeah right) tell my S.O. at the time to pretty much get his ISH together. Buuuuuut...it wasn't direct. Soooo...#FAIL on my part. LOL. Please note some of the lyrics:

Looking back I was bringing you down
But now im changing my life
You said when I make a change I could stop on by
Now im back and I cant live without you


If you cant have the one you love
Then where are you going
In your life
If you can have the person in your life
Then where are you headed in your life

Mmhmm. OH, but don't think he didn't get the message. It just didn't matter at the time. You know why? Because  it wasn't direct and I wasn't going to do anything about it. Duh. People be knowing. There are not as oblivious as they'd like you to think. But very Few people are going to make a decision on Your behalf for your benefit. If they are winning and you're losing in some way...essentially...*whispers* Nobody Cares.  And even if they do, Clearly it wasn't enough. And really you should value yourself to get yourself  out of the situation. Look after yourself. That's all you Really have.

Also for the record, I Did get that 'confession' or whatever. But later on in life. At a Better time in my life. Where I wasn't too timid to stand up for myself despite what I thought I might be losing.

Love yourself! Corny, but you have to. No one knows and can love you like You can. And if you get on your nerves sometimes (I know I do lol ), learn to give yourself a flippin break!!!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

I think I'm done with Youtube.


Ok, I'm not Done with youtube....I'm just done with attempting to lazily make videos of Myself For youtube. Y'all know I waste hours of my life on The Web. I just don't like reshooting, editing, adding music...etc...just to get more subscribers or what not. That's the point right? *I won't tell anybody your secret agenda YT celbs*


I honestly only made videos because I was too lazy at the time to compose blog posts. ( ._.)
However this will continue on occasion. #lazinesswin

So no more 'half-done, not really caring for real, bad lighting, horrible review' videos! WHEW! Glad we got that out of the way. :)

On to my current hair:

  • I have kinky twists with Marley Hair.
  • I did them myself.
  • I look hood. (I have blonde streaks and my brother calls me hood every time he sees me. O_O )
  • I put them in on the *looks at the calender* OK. I started on the 10th. Essentially finished on the 12th.

Here were my looks prior to and during the installation of these joints:

The puff I sported for about a week Before having this bright idea *eye rolls*

Oh yeah...somehow I wanted to try a wash and go first. Not too bad now that I'm looking at the pic. #shrug I tried a new project THAT I ONE IN A GIVEAWAY!!! YAY ME!!! Moving on...

I started them Sunday afternoon. Fun right?

Getting a little more done...

THOUGHT I was almost done....then I ran out of hair. Good thing I planned on wearing it up anyway just in case. I saved the middle for last. :)


TASTIC. (I redid those on the side y'all)
Siiiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhh.......Ok moving on to last week...

Looking good from afar, eh?

On my way to a photo shoot. (We shall MAYBE speak on that late. *hint* I'M NOT A MODEL. SMH)
Now. I can clearly work these things. HOWEVER. If you get in my personal space, you will notice that they look like they've been in for a good month and been washed every week. ITS ONLY BEEN A WEEK!!!! Clearly I'm not a professional AND this was my first time. I still Didn't want them to be extra tight; hence the reason I did them myself. Other than my DIY natural hair tendancies. :)

So things I've learned:

  • If you're doing them yourself and your hair is two or more different colors...USE THE DARKEST COLOR AS YOUR GUIDELINE. My braiding/twisting technique is Not good enough for even distribution of hair to have it blending all perfectly and stuff. NEXT.
  • Part AS NEATLY AS POSSIBLE. At least in the front, sides, and nape. You can wing the middle.
  • DIP YOUR HAIR WELL THE FIRST TIME. I dipped my hair when I initially finished twisting. Then like three days later I decided I wanted them curled. -___- Fail of an idea.

And to sum it up....I WAHN TO TAKE THESE JOINTS OUT NOW!!!!! My mother is going to have a field day [at my expense]. :( I just don't understand why my scalp is so itchy. I thought it would be the tension, but there isn't any!! I Can't make them tight! So why is my scalp going crazy on me anyhow! Maybe I'm allergic? -______- #pleaserespond
