Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm going back to work tomorrow. If you know me...you have a clue as to how this is making me feel. lol. I've been taking someone of a mental vacay for the last solid week. I'm taking advantage of this break from having to worry about passing this test and that test; basically just being stressed out all the time. Actually, for the past 5 almost 6 years I've been stressed all the way out. Whew! I gotta get back on it though. I have to start waking up at 0530 again. *weak applause* Ugh.

Aight y'all. I haven't sang in WEEKS. I haven't been singing around the house full force or Anything. I don't know if I'm going through a phase; because I Am listening to some new, very amazing music. Check out Frank Ocean's Nostalia/ultra. But I'm not singing. Outside of the choir I'm in at church I'm not doing any kind of singing at home, in the car, nowhere. I'm just Listening. Which I can't really say I did initially before. Which may be a good thing, I don't know. As music oriented as I am, this is a little weird.

I'll catch y'all tomorrow after my first day back.


Good *looks at time* Afternoon tweeps I mean...peeps!!

I had a GREAT weekend. Like it was the best one I've had in a while. One of my friends came in for the weekend. :)  We got to chill sans others and enjoy each others company on Friday, got a little family time in between the two of our parents and respective siblings on Saturday, and even had a evening to spare of extra alone time!! Ohh la la!! LOL!!! Even though I'm in the Atlanta area, I Hardly ever go out so this weekend was a refreshing treat! I'm So grateful the weather was at least nice for One day he was here. Sheesh! These thunderstorms the past couple of days have been OUT OF CONTROL!!! I've been missing out on good quality sleep before of this overactive weather. SMH. Anyway...I got pictures!! I didn't take them of course...I kinda suck at that actually capturing moments. Eh.





I was supposed to be 'mean muggin' Epic Fail.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pics of the day

I should have taken sone photos of my whole outfit! It was cute...I thought. Lol. Mostly because it was put together without a whole lot of brain power. Not that that's the norm..but I digress.

Its just a bun (you can't even see the whole thing) but I love buns! I am trying to patiently wait for the day that my hair can make a Decent sized bun without the aid of extensions! I gotta get all these inches back!! *cue Tye Tribbett music and initiate tenor choreography*

I just wanted to share my happiness with you all. I had a great day and that alone is enough to be thankful!!!

Happy Sabbath peeps!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

We Did It!!!

This is gonna be positive! WOOO!!! :) 

I solicited you guys' prayers for the passing of a major test and I passed!!! YAY!!!! And I've been chillin ALL WEEK with Zero remorse. I haven't had time like this since I started college...and that was in '05!! So I'm making preparations for entering serious adult life now.O_O No but seriously,  I gotta get back on my hobby grind (like I was ever really on it) because if all I have to look forward to is Work?? Its gonna be a sad, sad, SAD life man. But regardless...I DID IT!!!

I made a appointment last week to get my hair braided/twisted for Tuesday. Now...that doesn't mean much because I had made an appointment to start locin my hair a couple days before and cancelled. [I know, I know....Don't shake your head at me!!] Y'all know how I feel about locs and such so let's move on. lol. So I ended up driving all the way to Mcdonough, GA (1hr away going the speed limit) to get my hair twisted. I had a few set backs but the point is....I DID IT!!! :)
The day after....


Today's hair! I'm so happy I can put them up now! :) Buns them thangs!!

My scalp isn't itching out of control and I'm SO HAPPY I didn't go to a African braiding shop cause maaaann....they just be too tight yo! My scalp can't take all that tension, and I'd like to have edges when I take them out!! Oh! Btw way...homegirl that did them used a Lot of gel so they are "hard like rock-stone" as my granny would say. lol. I'm sure I can soften them up easily but should I just leave them alone until I rinse/wash them? Help! Speak up people!!

SEE!!! I can have a post with all happiness and joy!! My emotions have been kinda out of control in the past few days...ssiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhhh......But I love my friends. All of them. That is all. Also my 'special friend' *eye roll* is coming in town! I'm excited!! SIGH. No I'm really excited though. ;)

Goodnight all!! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Updates, Epiphanies, and the Whole Nine

Folks. I had a hypothesis and I proved it to be true!!! *happy nerd dance* I must admit that I was going a little out of control with the products. Why? I don't know. I am fully aware that hair products don't perform miracles but...alas...I was still hoping for that perfect twist/braid out. Please take note, I don't want a super defined style; I want it fluffy with just the right amount of definition. Like This! :) ---> [Hair Envy Post]

My hair is Fine (diameter of individual hair strand) and Thick (higher number of strands). Somehow I didn't put together that slathering heavy products on my hair, even when wet, aren't gonna do my hair any justice! I was ending up with a weighed down, frizzy, HOT MESS that never looked good first day. Probably because over the next couple of days the product absorbed or evaporated. Duh Tiffany. Smh. 

The middle is a little less defined because....I'm bad with making all my twists the same size. lol. And seeing that I only left those little twists in for ONE WEEK...Not tryna play myself Again with This *points to pic below*

So this is my current hair! The left side of my hair has a couple flat twists cause it refuses to curl up like the rest of my head!!!!! Oh well. I'm pleasantly surprised regardless. *continues dancing*
Yeeaaahhh...Imma add another flat twist Right There *point to random piece of unruly hair* lol
So I AM gonna work on my hair until it grows back. And This style WILL last more than 2 days. My hair Will grown back and will be longer than before. My hair Will grow back...My hair WILL FREAKIN GROW BACK. Sigh. 

In other news....

I have a very important test Tomorrow. No I'm not still in school....-__- Just Please send up a prayer for me.  :D Its greatly appreciated!

*hugs and....yeah* ^_^ 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Guys Rock

I have Thee Best male friends. Point blank. You always see people going off on natural hairs blogs about how their man doesn't support their decision to be natural and blah, blah, blah...all the time. Dudes straight talking bout "they don't even think natural hair Can be attractive". Geez. Flip outta here with that mess.


First of all, I'm not dating somebody who doesnt like my hair. That may seem drastic to some but if you look at me and all you see is a little girl in need of a box of lye....wth? My Hair is a literal part of me. It Grows from me. If you don't like it, Especially when I know I'm flyy, there's no chance in heaven or hell.
Now this is not to say that some don't prefer straight hair....and some dont understand the desire to not wear one's hair permanently straight; but they will give credit where credit it due. And I really appreciate that. One of my boys [two actually] saw my hair today and they both agreed that locs would fit me. I didn't even ask or say anything! Lol.

So yeah. I love them. They're awesome.  :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Turn your head Just a little bit more to the left....

Sorry guys. LOL. I thought about rerecording but then I would be lying and I'm sleepy..and..you get the point. I know what to do next time!!!

I won't fail you again.....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Change Is Still A'Comin

If you read my last post Click Here you'd know that I'm toying with the idea of locing my hair. Still toying. [Chill] And don't tell anybody *whispers* Its a secret. Regardless of what I do...Something's gotta freaking change! Even If people are complimenting my hair at times or whatever, I shouldn't be feeling frustrated with it at all times! And if I do this I know the next thing is gonna be..."Well you're hair was so nice...you had little cute styles and your flowers and..." Whomp, whomp. Etc, Etc. I'm tired of caring what people think and trying to anticipate others' reaction. Freak Everybody. (not you guys...*hugs* ) And in non-hair related news, I feel that all things Life has been kicking my butt and I've just been chilling in the bent over position cause I'm so used to it. THIS IS NOT OK. 

Anyway. Yeah.

I came across this picture again perusing through my FB Wall (don't judge me) and I though I'd share.It may be a little harsh but I'm sure more than a few of you can relate. 

Woo!! Cracks me up every time!!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spotlights: Peace

My homie Peace took time to grace us with a glimpse into her natural hair experience! :)

Signature Flower Action
Major Shrinkage!

Where do you live? 
 - I live in Duluth, GA

How are you occupying your time? (work, school, etc.)
- I work at Banana Republic and I'm an after school teacher

How long have you been natural?Were you a long or short term transitioner?
- I started growing it out in August 2005 and did my BC in March2006, so its going on 5 years!! I transitioned for 7 months

How would you describe your hair?
- I would describe my hair as extra black!!  If that is a category!  My dad is African so my hair is super coily and kinky.  Using the letter/number system i would be a 4c even though there is much debate as to whether the 4c category exists.

What’s your current regimen/What products are you currently using?
- I just changed my products so now I am using Shea Moisture Raw shea butter deep masque for DC, SM moisture mist, SM raw shea leave in cream conditioner, shea moisture african black soap dandruft & itchy scalp elixer and Miss Jessie Cream cleanser, Cantu shea moisturizer, trader joes nourish spa shampoo (all natural sulfate free) and my TANGLE TEEZER (its the business!).  These are my regulars!  I deep condition once an week and I do a protein treatment once a week with IC fantasia.

What do you like/dislike about being natural?
- I love that being natural makes me cool!  I get all kinds of complement from all races and they love my hair!  I love that it is versatile in styling.  I don't like how dry my hair is.  That can be rough finding a good product that really hydrate my hair.

Leave us with a word of encouragement for the newbies/those who are thinking of embarking on this journey.
- Don't be afraid to do it!  Don't be afraid to show off your texture!  You hair is beautiful just the way God gave it to you.  Wear your hair with pride whether its pressed or curly!  And most importantly, have patience.  Its not a quick process, it takes time.  

Is there a blog/webpage where we can find you?
- I keep a photo log of new hairstyles on facebook because i like to experiment!

Twisting my hair

I'm laying here in the bed with half my head twisted looking a hot mess and thinking to myself, "how long are you going to keep them in This time Tiffany? You know you only keep them in for at the most 2 weeks at the most. What would happen if you leave them in longer? *drifts into la la land*

Sigh. Ive been admiring locs even more than in the past. I want long loose hair, I do. But I also want long locs. And I can't have both. In theory, I could get noticeably longer hair loose, since hair essentially locs in its shrunken state,  but seeing that my haired hair been doing its own effin thing for the past couple months I would honestly probably have more success locing when out comes to retaining length. As much as I love my loose hair and trying new things on it; I think I need to put my focus on more...well...important and pressing things.

Lemme know what you think.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hair Envy.

I have been going through a Lot with my hair over the past couple of weeks. I dyed my hair by one person, got it pressed and trimmed by another *WEEPS*, washed out the press a week later and here I am. -__-. I'm beyond frustrated. I was just getting over the trim in November. There is a noticeable difference in the size of my pony puffs...its harder to roll my hair in some sort of bun...just Frustrating. Recently I was looking through a photo album on facebook of a choir I'm in at my church and came across there:


This was sometime at the end of 2010. *cries* Even though I still haven't figured out Exactly how to achieve this look on a consistent basis, this is hair I Want 24/7!! Judge if you want but I don't want super defined coils or whatever. I want BIG, FLUFFY hair!! Sigh.

Hasta Luego folkies.

My First Day In HSV

The formal event that I was going Crazy over (well at least in regards to my choice of hairstyle) was this past Sunday Feb 27th at my alma mater. After driving the 3.5 hours there, handing the car off to mi hermano, running around town with my girls trying to tie a few loose ends, taking showers, getting dressed...*inhales* Me and Amber made it there a little after 8...Even though it started at 630...Our homegirl took some pics and after a little delay on the ticket situation we were escorted to out table. There was Nobody there!!!!!!!! I was sure that since my date and Amber's *ahem* yeah...were gonna be at our table since they were the band for the night. They are AWESOME. Call me bias if you want. #Shrug. We took pics in between the awards...barely ate...fantasized about post banquet food. Pretty normal. I was so on edge. (Sorry Amber and B) LOL. I just wanted to be able to hear my date in the band and seeing that we were SO LATE I was slightly pissed. BUT it turned out to be a good night. :) Amber and I chilled with the band afterwards while they were waiting to get paid....went home and Yup! After a quick Taco Bell run I was Knocked!!

I'll post more pics as I get them. I'm currently camera-less and I refuse to use the camera on my phone. I'm too fancy. lol.

Me and my date.

Me and my girls. Erycka (on the left) I think is starting her own natural hair care line? TEAM NATURAL WOO!! :)

Me and my love Kelz. Crazy girl...lol
Here's a better pic from the day before after a concert for a better view of the hair action....
My mom is gonna be so upset if she sees this LOL
Hasta Luego!!


I woke up this Sunday morning and decided that I've taken a long enough break from the blogging. To be completely honest, at first I just didn't feel like it. THEN Life started to kick my butt and I was really avoiding it. Sigh. 

Be prepared to be bombarded with posts for the next couple of days. :)

Hasta Luego.