Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hair Envy.

I have been going through a Lot with my hair over the past couple of weeks. I dyed my hair by one person, got it pressed and trimmed by another *WEEPS*, washed out the press a week later and here I am. -__-. I'm beyond frustrated. I was just getting over the trim in November. There is a noticeable difference in the size of my pony puffs...its harder to roll my hair in some sort of bun...just Frustrating. Recently I was looking through a photo album on facebook of a choir I'm in at my church and came across there:


This was sometime at the end of 2010. *cries* Even though I still haven't figured out Exactly how to achieve this look on a consistent basis, this is hair I Want 24/7!! Judge if you want but I don't want super defined coils or whatever. I want BIG, FLUFFY hair!! Sigh.

Hasta Luego folkies.

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