Tuesday, February 15, 2011


1) Yesterday was Valentine's day. (See http://goingbacktoblack.blogspot.com/2011/02/fwd.html?spref=fb on the New trend for heart candy caption. smh) I worked. I didn't mope...I didn't even have the opportunity to dress up and make people with I *points to self* was their boo!! (Just kidding....kinda) I knew I didn't have work today so I was Straight!! Moving on to...

2)TODAY I got a gift in the maaaaiiiilllllll *singing*....HA!!! LOL. Sorry. This was like the best Valentine's [but not quite] in my Life!! Contrary to [seemingly] popular belief *side eye to my homeboy* Dudes are NOT lining up to talk to me. I promise. lol. Which...is usually ok with me actually. Ion like all that attention. But when Valentine's Day comes around and nothing is Ever happening for you it kinda makes you wonder did Nothing change since Middle School? I mean Geez.

But ANYWAY. My gift was Awesomness and had so many things I Love in it! Twix (my favorite candy that I used to OD on in HS), knee high socks (need I say more? I'm still searching for some Thigh Highs tho...help a sister out!), a adorable stuffed doggie, and a custom floral arrangement of hair accessories!!!! [Hint: I'm known as flower girl at work.] The fact that it came TODAY instead of yesterday just makes everything better....if you didn't catch on the loathe for Valentine's day caption earlier.... :)

Excuse my disheveled writing I'm excited and tired and stuff... Work tomorrow. Booo....

3) Things I like [and you should too]

One of my friends started a blog and its awesomeness!! Music...life..Love...What's not to like?

Reason #1: You're a bitch. Need I say more?

Buh Bye Now!!

1 comment:

  1. I luv the excitement!!! Unexpected heartfelt thoughtful gifts are always awesome;-)I'm following your suggested blog...also an interesting read. But that article...why youre not married...it really got me thinking and I think not only did my toes get crushed but she may have smashed on my whole foot. I'm looking for suggestions on how to become a better person *baby steps*
